Preparation For Receiving The Torah: The Light Of Correction

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah is the force of correction, and it changes us to equivalence with the Creator. When we become similar to the Creator, we are called “Adam,” and each of us is called “Ben-Adam” (human being) on his part. Adam means “similar” (in Hebrew – Edame) to the Creator. Thus, a “human being” isn’t one of the billions that exist in our world, but one who achieves equivalence to the Creator.

However, in order to elevate oneself to the level of the Creator, in order to implement the Torah, a sufficient desire is necessary. We are consumed with earthly concerns, so how can we be concerned with the aspiration to spirituality, with elevating ourselves to the next dimension? This is part of the preparation for receiving the Torah. It’s written that the Creator gives us the Torah every day. This means it is always ready for use and it depends only on our desire.

Therefore, first of all, I need to cultivate the desire to rise from my animal degree to the entrance into a new world, which is the spiritual world. However, if I don’t have this desire, I’ll live like an animal and I won’t notice this means since I don’t experience any need for it; I don’t want or understand anything that goes beyond the realms of this world. Otherwise, I could already be advancing to the spiritual world. So far, I don’t have a sufficient desire in order to use this means to enter the Upper dimension. Thus, I need to prepare myself for the reception of the Torah.

Only if I reveal the evil inclination in me and clarify what it is that I need to correct in order to reach the Creator (love and bestowal), do I prepare myself for receiving this means called the Torah. Engaging in the Torah means extracting the Light that Reforms from it. I need to aspire to it and desire it to correct me. I need to open a book as though I receive medicine from it, without which I am doomed to die. Are there many people who study the Torah this way in our world?

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/17/10, “What is the Preparation for Receiving the Torah?”

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