The Immensity Of Our Desire To Enjoy

A question I received: Why is it that we have to wait so long and suffer so many negative lessons that wound us before we finally realize which is the right path?

My Answer: We don’t wait! Every single moment we evolve, step by step. But our ego, our desire to enjoy, is simply infinite. Its depth is enormous: an enormous creature. Imagine to yourself our endless Universe; well, the human desire is billions of times greater than the entire universe.

Now we need to begin our correction. And my desire to enjoy contains a thousand qualities in which I need to feel blows so as to react with an “Ouch!” And then it will need another thousand blows to make me go “Ow!” This is no joke; our entire lives go by exactly like this. Finally, I will need yet another thousand blows to resolve for myself: “That’s it, I can’t handle it anymore! Something must be done.”

Every quality is comprised of four levels (Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet). And until we reach the final, fourth level, we will continue to receive blows and suffer without stopping to think about our predicament. It is just like if I feel pain in one part of my body and then another, I endure it and tell myself that it’s no big deal, until finally I realize that something must be done. The same principle applies here. But that is exactly how it’s supposed to be, because we are made out of a complex, multi-layered material which develops out of a point. There is no choice in the matter.

Only at the end of correction will all that we’ve passed through merge together and produce perfection of attainment, fulfillment, and understanding.

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/29/10, Article “The Giving of the Torah”

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  1. Dear Rav,

    Is there anyway to know how many blows will be necessary to awaken for good? And yet, If I am already starting to prepare myself to overcoming blows; am I not just tricking and faking myself, playing a game trying to avoid something that I need to nullify my ego?

  2. What is this “complex, multi-layered material” that we’re made of?

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