The System Of Connection With Universal Nature

Dr. Michael Laitman A question I received: What is the connection between The Book of Zohar and global nature?

My Answer: The Book of Zohar explains how to connect to universal and perfect nature, how to request, demand, and extract this special, unifying force in order for it to affect me. The Book of Zohar is a binding link between me and all of nature; without this link a person in this world has no connection to it.

Now that I discover that nature is global, that the whole world is a global village in which everyone is connected, I further realize that I am dependent on everyone. As I depend on everyone, I then wish to be the same as them, to be among them as a friend treating everyone with goodness and for them to do the same with me. So, how do I obtain this?

In order to achieve this, I need to know how to connect with them. I need guidance, some instruction manual of connection. The guide needs to show me how to establish a connection with a group of people, how to approach and talk to them; the instructions need to expose what they need from me and what I need from them.

This manual of connection, The Book of Zohar, reveals this whole system of connection between a person and nature, so that nature, the Creator, will influence a person and turn him into an integral part of nature.

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