Laws Of The Common Organism

critical Most people in the world do not yet feel that we are all one. But since we are all one common organism, then the big and powerful countries will suffer more than the small and weak ones. It’s similar to how when my leg hurts, I feel most of the pain in my head and my entire body loses its capability to operate properly. This means that the big countries will suffer more than the small ones, and the small countries will be able to do anything they want to the big ones until they all come to an agreement, just like the recent situation with the pirates from Somalia and Al-Qaeda.

All of the energy of the superpowers will be wasted on attempting to pacify the small trouble-causing countries, whose behavior will continue to spread around the whole world until it paralyzes it. The behavior of these small countries might seem insignificant, but we will not be able to do anything until we begin to work together.

In the past, when the world was not yet global, this was tolerable, but that’s not the case anymore. Large and powerful nations have their hands up and are unable to do anything. Unless they reach mutual accord, they will simply disappear from the map.

What is the value of having a head when I have a problem with my leg? All I can do is lay sick in bed, unable to move. Not so long ago I had broken my leg, and I clearly recall that my head was the last thing on my mind when all I could think about was finding the best position for my leg so it would hurt less. My entire life revolved only around this.

This is why we need to understand that only by attaining unity can we turn to the Creator, who will influence the Pharaoh (all the evil) and will change and correct it.

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