You Can’t Accomplish Anything Alone

A Reshimo Is One's Complete Future State I don’t exist by myself; I only exist if I funnel myself through a mechanism called the unity of all the souls. That is why I want to open myself up through The Book of Zohar, since its force comes in order to implement this connection between all my parts, which now seem alien to me.

This is exactly what The Book of Zohar is intended for; otherwise I won’t be under its ray of Light. This ray is very thin, like the beam of a laser, and if I veer even one millimeter away from it, I will no longer see it. I have to be exactly in this ray in order for it to influence me.

Kabbalists explain this condition to us, saying that if we connect to all the souls in the right way, then we will place ourselves inside this ray. As soon as the unity is broken, everyone falls apart and scatters in every possible direction. This ray is the only thing capable of holding us together.

This happens on every level of the spiritual ladder – we can only climb it along this ray. As soon as we let go of one another, everything immediately falls apart and the ray of Light is unable to hold us together. This is the only force that preserves our unity. Therefore, it is for the sake of this unity that we desire to attract the Light. We need the Creator to connect us together, and that means we have to attract the Light that Reforms.

How can we feel this unity? We have to demand it while reading The Zohar; it has to give it to us. This was the reason why Kabbalists wrote this book, and we have the right to ask, “Where is the unity that’s due to us, why isn’t it affecting us?” If we all think about this together, it will become a great concern that we won’t be able to forget for a moment. And then it will work. But alone, none of us will be able to accomplish anything.

One Comment

  1. I want to study online but my internet gives me so much trouble and my work does not allow me to be on time to study in each class live. I know I can access the lesson later but does this still make me connected with the unity of the class even though it is an hour or day later? Also, can my wife and I study together if we really want it and still draw light eventually?
    Thank you.

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