Him And Me And Us Together

clip_image001A question I received: How do I go along with the flow of The Zohar while searching for those qualities inside myself and at the same time thinking about my connection with others?

My Answer: So far we don’t feel how all of these processes are interconnected and that we are all included in one picture – the Creator and me. We are all connected in one very small and simple form to the extent of our similarity to Him. What we call “self” is actually the rest of the world – the inanimate, vegetative, animate and human levels within me. And the Creator is a multitude of forces and reasons.

Therefore, we have to practice using The Book of Zohar to see the unity and the point of our connection. “I” am one; “the Creator” is one; and together “We” are united as one whole. Until this happens, we will feel alienated, separated and confused, but gradually we will begin to change. Just like it happens with a growing child, only the effort we make will help us.

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