Putting Our Desires In Order

The Creator Is the Root of Everything In Existence By studying Kabbalah, a person begins to understand that it is precisely the act of “coming out of himself,” that will allow him to find something special. Outside of his little world, there is something great, eternal, and perfect – a higher dimension.  All of this occurs due to a shift in priorities which raises the importance of spirituality over what surrounds a person here in this world.

The aspiration toward the goal depends on its priority in regards to the importance of everything else in a person’s life. A person is evaluated based on his scale of priorities and goals. Thus, if coming out of himself to attain eternity and perfection is more important to him than his surroundings (except what is vitally necessary), this means that he has placed his priorities and values in the right order.

The order of one’s values should be the object of one’s unceasing care and self-analysis that he makes inside himself. Food, sex, and the family are bodily (animate) desires, which are necessary for a particular kind of fulfillment. Money, fame, power, and knowledge are human desires. Furthermore, we have the desire for spirituality, which is higher and beyond the existence of our world.

If a person constantly worries about placing his desires in the correct order, he stays on track to the spiritual goal in any situation and thereby advances towards it.

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