Our Greatest Asset Is Everything We’ve Gone Through

matterIn order to reach a new nature, a person has to perceive his egoism as evil. He has to come to hate it like an enemy that does not allow him to reach what he most desires. This realization of egoism as evil can be achieved under the influence of the right environment (group) and the Light. Along with this, one reveals that only the Upper Light is capable of correcting him, since It created him this way.

A person does not have to destroy his nature. He has to use it as an instrument in order to rise above it. We have nothing except egoism; it makes up all of us! We have developed it throughout many reincarnations, which were very costly to us. We were continuously given more egoism, and every time we tried to use it , we received blows as a result. But we needed all this suffering and the efforts we’ve accumulated throughout all our lives. This is a person’s asset and the only thing he has. Now, all that remains is for us to ask the Light to help us use our nature correctly.

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