We Are Brought To Perfection Through The Cure Of Absolute Kindness

laitman_2009-06_3382_wA question I received: If one wants to know whether he lives according to the principle of basic necessity – what should one do?

My Answer: Study. There’s nothing but evoking the Light that reforms through studying and coming to know yourself in relation to others, the society and the Creator. By doing this a person corrects himself.

How it actually works, absolutely escapes us. If you’re feeling down – start studying, for it is written “it’s a cure for every flesh.”  The root of all the problems is the crisis, in other words, the destruction and breaking of the common soul, which means that instead of remaining within love, we fell into hatred. Therefore, all we need to correct is that very root of every one of our problems.

The common soul had been in the state of Infinity and then it broke into a myriad of individual souls, separated by egoism. Such is our state today and because of that breaking, all we feel now is this world instead of Infinity. By correcting the breaking by the act of our uniting, we will once again return to the world of Infinity (infinite and eternal perfection).

Perhaps you are asking about a temporary solution. Let’s say that a person is hospitalized with acute pain and he needs surgery, but in the meantime he is given a painkiller, a sedative (not a cure, nor a treatment).

If a person asks for it, you have to help him. But together with the sedative, you need to explain the situation as it is: there’s a program for his development, and he’s under its guidance; there’s a purpose to his life, which is to reach an eternal and perfect state. All of his states and his entire destiny comes from one Source, and that Source is what cures him.

If he is capable of seeing that all is not random and that he has to suffer incessant blows until he comes to find that everything has been done in absolute kindness in order to bring him to his destiny, this realization will calm him down.  This realization is his painkiller. Together with his studies, he begins his treatment, takes control of his destiny and secures his good fortune.

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: Cure The World, Cure Yourself
Laitman.com Post: Doctors Have A New Diagnosis, “The Crisis Syndrome”
Laitman.com Post: The Most Important Task In Life
Spiritual Search: Seventh Talk – “Two Worlds: Our World And The Spiritual”

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