UK Study Finds Our Children Are Overworked And Bored

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from The Science Daily ):Only A Small Minority Of Children Are Carefree And Many Are Bored, UK Study Finds” A UK study into children’s happiness and safety co-authored by a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire has revealed that only 11 percent of children surveyed are carefree and free from worry. It also emerged that 72 per cent of those surveyed cited boredom as the cause of their unhappiness.

Robert Hart from Intuitive Media added: “The children have told us that boredom is the biggest downer, along with adults who expect too much of them and having to work too hard. Children want more freedom to play, relax, pursue their hobbies and be creative.”

My Comment: If we create a friendly world for our children, our future generation, and stop treating them as though they need to be equipped for a tough life ahead, then they will be happy!

Related Material: Post: Is Modern Society Ruining Childhood? Post: Is There Such a Thing As A Happy Childhood? Post: Kabbalah for Kids
Article: “The Secret to Child Education”
Kabbalah Today Article: “Spiritual Education”

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