The All-Consuming Crisis!

priestIn the News (translated from MIGnews):Fixation on Crisis” – Recently all events are being considered in connection with the crisis. It feels like the crisis became a basis of our life. In other countries, such as Russia, people try not to talk much about the crisis. Certainly, no one is calling for introducing censorship of crisis related content, but it looks like the entire world has become fixated on the crisis.

By the way, Americans have a so-called “theory of positive thinking.” It states that without positive thoughts you cannot advance and will surely not get out of any crisis, whether it’s personal, national, or global.

My Comment: The matter is not in the crisis itself, but in humanity’s state of becoming totally interconnected. Therefore, until we bring our interconnection to equivalence with the qualities of Nature, which are mutual and kind, our condition will continue to worsen. Moreover, it is impossible to convert egoism to altruism with the forces of our world! Only the force that created egoism is able to change it. This force is drawn upon us through the study of Kabbalah because Kabbalah studies this force’s properties and how to draw its influence upon a person.

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