Humanity Is A Closed System

lifeA question I received: We are all connected together in the system of souls as one. But how can we have a positive influence on the collective consciousness, which is full of hatred?

My Answer: To do this, we have to feel that we don’t have a choice, that we are getting close to self-annihilation, to a life that is worse than death, and that we can’t avoid this. This feeling will make people want to connect to others. People’s nature, the egoistic desire to receive pleasure, will drive them to it. People will desire this because it will be the only way to feel good.

Even now, we are capable of “giving for the sake of reception,” for example, when we pay for something we need at a shop. Even this simple transaction is a small sacrifice. There is no such thing in the animal kingdom or with little children. In other words, this does not come from our instincts.

However, every person has to understand that he has a responsibility to connect with others correctly. And people should make every effort they can to learn about the right connection. Humanity is a closed system, and like in every closed system, everything must be aimed at supporting and preserving unity, balance and harmony. If these are broken, then every member of the system will suffer. One part of the system cannot feel good at the expense of another.

This is the wisdom we have to teach people. Everyone in the world has to learn the new rules of conduct in the world we are living in today.

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Talks: “The Revelation Of Godliness (Matan Torah)”, Talk 1

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