When Egoism Knows No Bounds

dont-fighy-egoism-aloneA question I received: How is our growing ego connected to the things we read about in the news every day: “father rapes daughter,” “teacher molests her students” and so on?

My Answer: The news tells us of only a small portion of what actually happens. A lot of it is passed over in silence. For years people have been coming to see me about their personal problems, and every year they speak more openly about the things they could not mention before. They have revealed inner impulses, desires, thoughts, disorders and deviations that were never before revealed on such a grand scale and of such quality.

All of this is caused by our ever-growing, egoistic desire to receive pleasure. This desire will grow bigger and bigger, and there is nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can do is begin to correct it.

We are now seeing the entire “thickness” of our egoistic desire, which separates us from the Creator and weighs us down. This is called the aggravation of the exile, concealment, or separation from spirituality. And it will go on until we become such monsters that we won’t be able to stand ourselves.

This evil must be revealed either though action or through the realization of egoism. The latter can be done through upbringing or education. A person can only be corrected by revealing the evil inside himself, by feeling that his egoism is evil and detrimental to him. Only then will a person be able to correct the evil that he does onto others.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Our Growing Egoism Is the Cause of All Our Sorrows
Laitman.com Post: Hatred and Evil Are a Reflection of Our Inner State
Laitman.com Post: The Book of Zohar. Chapter “The Donkey Driver,” Part2
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “On the Desire-Sequence”

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