The New Reality Is Not A Utopia, But A Law Of Nature

contactA question I received: The world you describe sounds like a utopia. Even if a person wants to work for the benefit of others, he will still worry that he’s being exploited.

My Answer: I’m not talking about a utopia.  I’m just proposing that people begin to see that we live in a new, interconnected world.

Are you familiar with the laws of an integral world? Ask any scientist about how a closed system operates, the harmony that exists there, and the program by which all of the system’s parts should interact.

Nature does not demand that we reach perfect harmony with it and with one another immediately. Instead, Nature is now influencing us in order to awaken us from our sleep. And it is offering us an opportunity to investigate further into this matter.

Throughout a child’s first 20 years of life, the child goes through a preparation stage in order to learn how to lead a correct and conscious life in this world. Can we abandon him in this great big world if he hasn’t yet learned the laws by which the world operates? Of course not. This is why we have kindergartens, schools, universities and so forth. And all of this is just for him to understand the old world, which we all know already.

Today we are all like children. This is why it is important to start by educating mankind. Up until now, mankind has been taught how to live in a world governed by the law of profit, which states: maximum gain with minimal effort. Today, however, the old law of Nature has been replaced by a new law – the law of interconnection. This means that we exist in one system, and therefore you cannot have it better than me, and when one of us suffers, we both suffer.

This is why you must learn this system of interconnection and adopt new behavioral models. Only then will you be prepared for life in this new world. And it isn’t just you: today, the whole world must undergo this learning process.

Related Material: Post: Utopian Attempts Are Doomed to Fail Post: Life Is Pushing Us Into a Higher Dimension
Kabbalah Today: Article “A Requiem for Utopian Dreams”
Interview: “Tal Asher’s Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD”

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