So You Think You Have Been A “Good Person”? Think Again

conceptA question I received: I am a regular person, like many others. I pay taxes, work at a factory and even do community service. I am considerate of others, I do everything I can to protect nature, and I serve my country. What else do I have to do according to Kabbalah?

My Answer: What you describe as being a “good person” is actually a good, corrected animal. However, now you are expected to become a human being. A human being (Adam) means “similar” to the Upper Force, the Creator. The Creator is Nature: It is integral, all-encompassing, and all its parts are united. Therefore, in order to become similar to It, you now have to unite with everyone, including the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels of Nature.

You will understand this through your suffering. You can shout all day about how you pay taxes fair and square and how you do community service. It won’t help you – you will still receive painful “blows” from Nature. Just because you follow all the different laws humanity has invented doesn’t mean you are following the laws of Nature.

Humanity has built an egoistic society in order to suit everyone’s desires for self-gratification, and everyone follows the established rules in order to feel comfortable in this society. However, this does not make you a good, corrected person. You have simply made your life more comfortable than if you were living in the wild jungle, by establishing various laws and rules of behavior that provide everyone with a worry-free life. And in addition, you are proud of this.

If an alien from another planet would come here and see all of this, he would say, “Friends, you are not uniting – you are using each other! You don’t look like good, kind citizens, but more like full-fledged criminals. You cannot continue like this. Enough!”

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