Humanity Is Tired Of Wars

war-is-no-solutionA question I received: The world is suffering from a crisis. Sometimes people say, “I have suffered and I don’t want to unite with anyone.” In other words, people prefer to be secluded and to worry only about themselves. After all, no one takes care of them. Can it be that instead of uniting and realizing that the world is integral and global, people will, on the contrary, shrink into their shells? What will happen then?

My Answer: This is a real danger. The crisis can lead to nationalism in many countries, and then Nazi regimes and wars. Baal HaSulam, the great Kabbalist of the 20th century, wrote about this.

Nevertheless, after the Nazi regimes and the third and fourth world wars (which are possible but not necessary, according to Kabbalah), and after all the suffering that they will bring, humanity will still reveal the truth.

However, today Europe has reached a state where it no longer wants to go to war, since it is exhausted from the previous wars. Europe has shed enough blood to learn this lesson.

However, the rest of the world has not yet gone through sufficient internal suffering to reach the same realization. The same realization can be attained through analysis, by looking at history and scientific data, or it can be reached through suffering and war.

This is why Baal HaSulam talks about the existence of two paths to the new world. And this is why we, his followers, are doing everything we can to eliminate the second path – the one that leads to nationalism, isolation of countries, and war.

Related Material: Post: We Must Choose: Will We Study Our Global Reality or Go to War? Post: Fear and Suspicion Will Vanish If Everyone In the World Will Unite Post: Everyone’s Trying to Escape The Crisis In Their Own Way
Kabbalah for the Student: Time for Spiritual Attainment.”Peace in the World”

One Comment

  1. Hi from Antofagasta, Chile!
    This theme helps me a lot to understand how are the internal and external movements of energys inside the countries. Now, the life put me in a laboral place in where I have to see and make something with a lot of egoism energy that blocks the cultural development of this north city of my country. Can I extrapolate this way of seeing the reality from what it happens to the countries to the cultural clans or the groups of persons?
    … Maybe in the wars it happens in Big the same thing that we do to Minor climbs…
    And the study is the only one way or the corrected action can be applied to this?
    And please, I ask you, if could be, for thoughts and intentions them to find companions who study the cabalá with me in this city, soil to feel alone in this

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