There Is A New Force Operating In The World – The Force Of Total Interconnection

electWe say that the modern world has become global and integral, and all the people in the world are now connected to each other. Is this a fact that’s described in some book, treaty, or convention? Or is it an indisputable fact that exists in the world? Where does this phenomenon come from?

Just as the force of gravity influences everything on earth, so the force of our connection is being revealed today. Until recently, this force – the connection between us – was not apparent, and everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. Today, however, we are dependent on this force and controlled by it.

This force connects everyone’s thoughts, desires, and actions with everyone else. It’s as if we are in a net that was imposed on us from above and that holds us together. In it, every person unwillingly influences everyone, and everyone influences each and every one of us – through thoughts, desires, and actions.

This force, this absolute interdependency, is being revealed to us in order to make us want to unite as one, and to reach the “Mutual Guarantee.” When we reach this state, we will reveal an Upper Intelligent Force – the Creator.

Related Material: Post: What Will It Take to Make the Simplest Person Realize That We’re All Interdependent? Post: Humanity Is One Integral, Interconnected Organism
Kabbalah Today Article: “Connecting the Dots (the Kabbalistic Version)”
TV Program: Ask the Kabbalist (March 20, 2008)

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