The Light Is Received Only Through The Study Of Kabbalah

doQuestions I received about the relationship between spiritual correction and corporeal commandments:

Question: How does one receive the Light or the screen?

My Answer: This can be achieved only by studying Kabbalah – see Item 155 of the “Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot.”

Question cont’d: Does one have to observe the 613 (or 620) commandments?

My Answer: One observes the 613 commandments when he corrects his 613 desires by the Upper Light during Kabbalah studies. However, mechanical actions do not correct anything!

Question cont’d: Does putting on the Tefillin and saying the Shema prayer also play a role in receiving the Light?

My Answer: No.

Related Material: Post: Preface to the Science of Kabbalah. Items 13-16 Post: Spirituality Lies Beyond Our World (Advanced) Post: The Difference Between Spiritual Correction and Ritual Observance
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “The Screen (and the Unlikely Example)”

One Comment

  1. “My Answer: One observes the 613 commandments when he corrects his 613 desires by the Upper Light during Kabbalah studies. However, mechanical actions do not correct anything!”

    Isn’t it true that giving charity (as commanded in the Torah) done as a “mechanical action” still corrects something important? If you feed the poor doesn’t it correct the hunger of that person even if it is a “mechanical action”?

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