The Goal of Education Should Be Perfection and Equivalence to Nature

prophet1A question I received: Robert Kiyosaki has already answered the question about education in the book, If You Want to Be Rich & Happy, Don’t Go to School. He writes that an unruly class society starts forming when a teacher forces the students to solve the problems individually, without giving them a chance to help the weaker students, and even with a risk of being punished for helping them. Children actually want to help each other, and they should be supported in this, but instead they’re being punished for it.

The entire history of schools shows that they raise kids to be egoists and individualists, using grades, competition for who’s better, and so on. If schools would teach kids to work in teams, if the kids had to unite to solve problems, we would raise a completely different generation of people. Therefore, all the egoistic flaws are developed in childhood, in our schools.

My Answer: I agree with you. We are trying to solve these issues through the education system that we are now creating. The main purpose of this system is to develop an environment that will give everyone a desire to cooperate.

A school is, first and foremost, a correctly organized society of children, which develops every student in a certain way. The society sets the examples, values and goals that will help every student to become a very special person. Nothing like this exists in the world yet, not even in any private school. And that’s because schools don’t set the goal of perfection and equivalence to Nature. Therefore, there is no Correcting Light (Ohr Makif) there.

The fact is, it’s the Light, not the environment, that corrects a person. The environment just helps one draw the Light. Therefore, no system or method of education will work besides the Kabbalistic one, because the latter draws the Force or Light of Correction upon a person.

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