The “Beautiful” Cleopatra

kleopatraNews Report (from The Telegraph): Elizabeth Taylor and Sophia Loren did their best but according to a leading Egyptologist, they came nowhere near to an accurate portrayal of ancient queen Cleopatra.

Using images from ancient artifacts including a ring dating from Cleopatra’s reign 2,000 years ago, Cambridge University’s Sally Ann Ashton has pieced together an entirely different image that shows her as a mixed race beauty. …the monarch came to power at the tender age of 18… Cleopatra was a temptress who ruined two generals of Rome – Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

My Comment: I think the men will agree with me when I say that this is a perfect example of our subjective perception of reality. Reshimot (informational genes) constantly change inside us and they determine our desires. This, along with the influence of the society’s Reshimot, determines our likes and dislikes. As a result, even this will seem like a “Cleopatra.”

Related Material: Post: The World Is the Perception Inside Our Desires Post: History Is the Unraveling of Reshimot Inside Us
The Kabbalah Experience: Chapter 5 – “The Desire for Pleasure: Discovery and Correction”

One Comment

  1. I have a few questions i would like you to answer:
    Before one crosses the Machsom and endures in the correction method, the revival of the dead and work on 3 lines one is pushed back to base desires or level 1 desires such as food, shelter and sex is this correct?

    When one crosses the machsom and puts the evil inclination to death, one kills off the evil inclination (desires for self-gratification), does one still endure on level one pleasures of this world or any pleasures at all?

    After crossing the Machsom is one able to start running a family and enduring in level one pleasures for the sake of the Creator as if it were another human being or is it that sex is put off because it’s not essential for one’s sustainance of the body?

    And now a last question concerning phenomena in Olam Hazeh:
    How would you describe the phenomena of possession and exorcism on our world, is it a psychological manner due to a specific person’s belief system or do upper forces intervene in this?

    This is all, have good weekend!

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