How Do We Connect Our Points In The Heart?

Mutual Guarantee in a Virtual GroupThree questions I received on work in the group:

Question: You say: “Don’t connect through your bodies, but through the ‘points in the heart’ – you must feel that they are together.” How do we do this?

My Answer: The point in the heart is a Reshimo (reminiscence) from a past spiritual state. However, now it desires the Creator, spiritual fulfillment, egoistically. With the help of the group, you should try to connect these aspirations for the Creator, even if they are egoistic. Together with the group, you suppress all your other aspirations for this world. You exalt the Creator and belittle this world.

As a result, everyone starts to feel that it’s vitally import to reveal Him, and this will bring you to the goal. See Baal HaSulam’s Letter from p. 70, “I am Sick With Love.” It’s an egoistic aspiration, just like a man yearns to be united with the woman he loves! Nothing more is required of us, because the actual correction of our egoistic nature to equivalence with the Creator is done by the Upper Light (Ohr Makif) – see item 155 of “The Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot.” It created us and only It can correct us! However, It’s waiting for our desire and readiness for this to happen.

Question: What is the difference between nullifying oneself before the Bnei Baruch group and nullifying oneself before other groups that have similar ideas of equality?

My Answer: The difference is the groups’ goal and the method of attaining it.

Question: What should we do when we meet the friends, but there’s no connection between the points in the heart and the meeting turns into a painful and boring pretense? Is this still considered an attempt at the mutual guarantee, unity, and overcoming the ego, or is it better not to even go to these meetings at all?

My Answer: It won’t happen by itself, you have to make efforts and work on it. We’re working against our ego, after all; this isn’t exactly “love at first sight.”

Related Material: Post: How Do You Avoid Becoming Relaxed On the Path?
Lesson on Article “Attaining the Unity of the Universe”
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee”

One Comment

  1. That post made good, simple sense. Lately, I notice the immense dedication of rav, answering questions that could be answered by the group just doing what it can, not supposing there are obstacles to the work because some members seem to be working against arvut, or are being disruptive, aloof, or otherwise seemingly recalcitrant to the intent to bestow. Representing group unity, doing our part, we can only be encouraging, and cannot except responsibility for more than our own contribution, or subtraction.

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