Help Make the World a Better Place!

worldTwo questions I received from students around the world:

Question: Here in Africa people don’t really want to know what lies beyond our world, but ever since I was young I have always been fascinated by the world and I have always wanted to find out the whole truth. Lately I have been thinking about how to help people change their ways and give meaning to their lives. I started telling others about goodness and coming closer to the Almighty, and I find much pleasure in what I am doing for others. I used to wait for a reward for my actions, but I do not want it any more. My greatest wish is for all of us to get closer to God. I found myself praying and saying to God that instead of being in heaven with Abraham I’d rather be here on earth until the last one of us is there with us.

Why do I feel responsible for the world? Why does my happiness depend on others’ well being? Is it a sign from God or is it just wishful thinking? Please tell me something about this state of mind. Thanks in advance for your help. Alhain Kadima

My Answer:
You have simply revealed a new desire inside you: a desire for bestowal, for the Creator – a desire that others don’t have. You should actualize it, and then you will give a great gift to yourself and to the world!

Question: I am a new student and I’d like to ask you the following question. Can we say that we only acquire the knowledge and the true vision of reality (Hochma) as we are able, in some measure, in order to forward this truth to others (Bina)? Meaning that we can only discern the structure of the law of love as we experience it in all aspects of life? Thank you. Tiago.

My Answer: Yes, by bestowing to others we build a collective desire, in which we then perceive the one and only force in the world – the Creator.

Related Material: Post: The Machsom Is the Same Everywhere – Even In Japan

One Comment

  1. When we go into a building that we’ve never been before; isn’t it amazing sometimes how there is always somebody willing and able to show us the way. In the ladder on the way to the Creator, it is no less a blessing to be any level lower than anyone else. What matters is that at that time and place, you wre there making/being the difference. you woke up that day to become someones answer to their prayer. Even if you were at the “bottom floor” of the building, if you were the one who helped that person to the second floor; It was you that pointed the way!

    I was once with my mother riding in her car alongside. We were going to the beach, but the friends we were going with called midway and told us they wouldn’t be joining us On the way we decided than to go eat at a favorite eatery of ours. I was moody tha afternoon and asking in my heart what good could i do, or be in anyone’s life, it was that eary “why am i here… still” question, that arose in my mind that day. It was all forgotten by the time we reached the restaurant. As I sat there I contemplated a child with a drumstick(chicken) in his hand with three other persons sitting around him. The child was smiley and joyfull. At somepoint, as if scripted, he suddenly started coughing,… when he went purple, both ladys next to him stood up in a frantic state. I was the third person standing around him as quick as the other two. They seemed quite lost…the longest two seconds of that moment before i took him in arms myself and leaned him over my left hand and started patting him on the back while leaning him over… the child survived! onlookers commented loudly: “He saved his life”,… I went to the bathroom, and wept.

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