If You Are Drowning, Let the Group Save You

The Condition of Entering the Upper World Is Mutual GuaranteeQuestions I received on spiritual advancement:

Question: I have been studying with you for three years through the Internet. I used to attend a local group and even came to one of your lessons. Ever since I started studying Kabbalah, I have become grave and withdrawn. It has become very difficult to communicate with people, including you. My girlfriend left me, nothing seems to be going right in life, and I’ve been planning to write you a letter for a few years already. On the other hand, I am doing better: I have registered on the forum and am writing you a letter. I hope that I’ll be able to keep in touch with you at least virtually. There are many times when I’d like to talk to you.

My Answer: If you’re drowning, you have to save yourself. And if you don’t have friends, then who will rescue you? Hence, success can only come by becoming included in the group, even if you have to force yourself to do it. Then the friends will support you and push you toward the goal.

Question: In one of your lectures you said that we shouldn’t forget that there are ups and downs and that they lead a person toward the goal only if they come from the right aspiration. What is the right aspiration? How can I know that I aspire to the right goal? And generally speaking – does my desire or aspiration really depend on me?

My Answer: If your aspiration emerged in you as a result of unifying with the group, then it is correct.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: We Must Only Unite Our Points In the Heart
Laitman.com Post: In All Life Situations, Your Behavior Should Be Determined Only by the Spiritual Goal
Laitman.com Post: The Group Is the Place for Discerning All Your Spiritual Questions
Article: “The Structure of the Soul”
Baal HaSulam Article: The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)

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