Implanted Organs Change Properties and Habits

Implanted Organs Change Properties and HabitsCellular memory is an interesting phenomenon: a recipient of an implanted organ acquires certain characteristics and habits of the organ’s previous possessor. People with implanted organs assert that their preferences, behavior, and social manners have changed. Some people suddenly develop interests in arts, those that feared heights become mountain-climbers, and so on…

Kabbalah says that our entire body is a complete, sole mechanism and it is impossible to implant something foreign into it, without having the entire organism incorporated into this change. This is because each cell has its own brains, memory and modus operandi; it perceives the entire body and participates in the body’s full operation. The work of the cell in sustaining the life of the body stems from taking part in the operation of the entire organism.

In light of this, we can only guess how tightly we are all connected within that whole organism of our earthy civilization – and how we share our properties with one another.

As both our individual and collective egoism continues to grow, the interdependence and interconnection among all people will become more apparent. Thus arises the opportunity for us to establish completely new principles of upbringing and education. These principles will be based on our influence on one another and the interconnection of all people within a single, common organism.

That brings us to the method of attaining a common, harmonious society – similar to a healthy organism – based on the principles of complementing one another, and keeping the balance between the two forces of creation: reception and bestowal.

Here is how Kabbalah explains it:
1. In the upper part of one’s soul there is a lower part of a higher soul,
2. The lower part of one’s soul is in the upper part of a lower soul.

This means that everyone’s soul is completely connected with both its upper and lower soul, and therefore lacks its own free space. Realizing that will bring humanity to absolute integration.

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